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Our Values
For the vision to come about, we do well to cultivate a key set of values—defining characteristics of our life and mission—as we allow ourselves to be shaped by the Holy Spirit. Our readiness for mission can be remembered through the acronym PRIMED.
P - PRAYERFUL "We trust in God's power, not our own"
R - RELATIONAL "We invest in one another"
I - INTENTIONAL "We think, plan and work strategically"
M - MISSIONAL "We are all missionaries"
E - EVANGELICAL "We take responsibility for sharing the Gospel"
D - DEVOTIONAL "We pursue God's heart in all matters"
"We trust in God's power, not our own"
It's only too easy to fall into the rut of doing things ourselves, in our own strength, our own way. We get on top of a task and begin to feel that it is "ours." Before long, that once-joyous feeling of service in God's name give way to drudgery and anxious toil. What happened? We lost our connection. To be prayerful leaders means that we regularly submit ourselves before God—individually and collectively—and resubmit our work to his judgment. Our connection with God is the most important aspect of our faith walk. Our only sanity is in staying linked to our Lord. Only then will our deliberations be God-honoring and our decision aligned with his will.
"We invest in one another"
Jesus said "where two or more are gathered I am with them." Not only as an antidote to isolation, but for the joy and challenge of being great teams, we need to connect and stay connected. We are better together than apart, and God uses us in special ways when we collaborate and seek his will. Our LifeGroup ministry is founded on the idea that God's love, grace and transforming power are best known and encountered where a few are gathered in his name and for his sake. We value togetherness above rugged individualism, and believe that every Christian can hear God's voice, feel God's presence, and know God's will through the faces and hands of others in the Body.
"We think, plan and work strategically"
Rather than just doing the same old thing because it is what we've always done, we value intentional thinking, planning and action. To work strategically means every event must be held up to our mission and vision as we ask: "Does this advance the mission of the Church?" Being intentional also means planning well ahead so that we're never acting off the cuff or making things up as we go. To value being intentional says that our mission statement truly matters and is worth pursuing.
"We are all missionaries"
Most people think of the church as a place to bring people to where they might hear the Gospel. To be missional means that our primary understanding of the Church is that group of Christians that God sends into the world in order to enact its transformation. The work of the Church is not what takes place on Sunday morning so much as it is what happens when its people are dispersed into the community or world. Every Christian is a missionary—a priest—and every Christian's role is to embody Christ wherever he or she is led. The Church does not exist for itself; it belongs to the Lord and it exists to share in Christ's ongoing ministry. It is time the church get out of its pews and into new forms that effectively proclaim the reign of Christ.
"We take responsibility for sharing the Gospel"
To be evangelical in its proper sense means the Church exists to reach all people groups with the good news of Jesus Christ. To be evangelical means that we believe and proclaim that Christ is the only way for human beings to be made right with God—the only revelation of salvation. We proclaim that Jesus suffered on the cross as an atonement for the sins of humankind, and that his death-and-resurrection validate all he was, said, and did. We proclaim our faith as one that rests entirely upon the promises of God and we announce those promises to the world ready to include all whom God should call to himself. This is more than our belief; it is our marching orders as well.
"We pursue God's heart in all matters"
As we are prayerful, we are also willing to submit our personal will to God's. The devotional life is built upon valuing God above all else. Worship is the first and final act of Christianity. We live to glorify God, and we happily submit our own agendas to him for revision, correction, and reconstruction. In all matters, we seek to align our hearts with God's will, which we come to know through the written Word. Our endless study of the Bible is the single, greatest shaping agent for the Christian heart. Our hearts are dedicated and devoted to resonating with the heart of God.