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      Welcome to First Presbyterian Preschool!            We are committed to making this preschool         an exciting learning experience for your child.         Our staff is trained in early childhood development and education. It is our privilege    to nurture and minister to your child.


       869 N. EUCLID AVE., UPLAND 91786   |   909.982.8616   |   Email:               Instagram: @1stpresbyterianpreschool


ARE YOU LOOKING TO REGISTER?  We have a spot waiting just for you!!

Our Registration Packet can be found below

or you can pick up a copy in our office.  Drop by for a tour.

We would love to show you around!

Mark your calendars for FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH!

Packets for Summer and Fall will be available then. See you soon Friends!  






"First Presbyterian Preschool was absolutely amazing!  The staff was wonderful and so friendly, as were the parents and students. The activities, crafts and chapel time were just a few of our favorite things. We are so pleased we can be a part of the First Presbyterian family and we are thrilled that this was our son's first school experience before entering kindergarten.  We will forever cherish and remember everyone at this preschool."



"I've been associated with First Presbyterian Preschool for over 40 years.  My two children attended here, and recently their children (my 4 grandchildren) attended here.  The Preschool is very safe, clean and well-run.  The teachers and staff obviously love all of our children and do an excellent job of nurturing them.  I could not have asked for better teachers.  They are all so warm and encouraging as they guide our precious little ones in learning how to interact with other children and develop needed life skills.  The curriculum is well thought out and lovingly taught.  I will always be grateful to the classroom assistant (now a teacher) who daily comforted one of my granddaughters and helped her adjust to this new situation.  I can't say enough good things about First Presbyterian Preschool!"


"My husband and I toured over 4 preschools, and none of them could compare to First Presbyterian Preschool.  Now I know why it has such a great reputation in the Upland community. The small class sizes are so important, especially for the little ones. Also, they have the most caring staff and excellent education. We loved the colorful courtyard! It is so cute and inviting, and always has fun activities for the children.  The communication with parents is top notch! I love that the school uses the Remind app to keep me updated on all upcoming events. Things like the Halloween Parade, the Christmas Program, or even Crazy Hair Day!  We wanted a loving Christian environment for our daughter.  Being able to attend Chapel was also one of the reasons we chose this school. My daughter will always ask, "Mommy, are you coming to Chapel today?" It's a special time for both of us."


"Our relationship with First Presbyterian Preschool goes back over 12 years.  My wife and I were blessed to have all three of our children attend there.  With excellent education and the most caring teachers and staff, we always felt our kids were in the best hands and loved on.  Looking back, it was a great experience full of many fond memories and we never hesitate to recommend First Presbyterian Preschool to anyone.".


"All three of my children attended First Presbyterian Preschool, each for 3 years. We drove from Rancho Cucamonga to Upland for 9 years to their preschool because it is the best around.  My children thrived in the caring, structured environment.  It is why I had them here for three years.  They loved going to Chapel, and they were beyond ready for kindergarten academically and socially after attending First Presbyterian.  I know that having them attend here was the reason they have done so well in school going forward.  Every single teacher, teacher's assistant and school director dedicates their heart to this preschool program.  The class sizes are small, the teachers find creative ways to keep the children engaged in their learning activities, and they have fun while they learn."


"So many incredible firsts happened for our family at First Presbyterian Preschool.  From the moment we stepped on campus and dropped our daughter at her class, she was loved, encouraged, and cared for.  Her first school experience there set a loving tone for a lifetime of learning and community.  She was known and nurtured under their team for two years and our whole family was sad when it was over."


Preschool Office Hours:                 Monday thru Friday - 9:00 to 3:00      Summer Hours - 9:00 to 2:30


Morning Session: 9:00 am to 11:30 am (Monday thru Friday)


Afternoon Session: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Mon/Wed/Fri ONLY)


Extended Hours:

Morning Care: 8:00 am to 9:00 am on MWF (Additional charge.)


Lunch Club: 11:35 am to 12:30 pm daily (Additional charge. Children bring lunch from home.*)


*When preparing your child’s lunch, please remember we are a NUT FREE school.   We cannot serve any products that contain nuts or that are processed in facilities that also process nut products.

The preschool considers the Upland School District yearly calendar when determining its holidays and break schedules. Because of state regulations concerning class size and teacher ratio, missed days may not be made up on nonscheduled days.


STANDARD TUITION RATES (2024-2025 School Year)

  • 2 day program Tues/Thursday $231.00 per month

  • 3 day program Mon/Wed/Fri $263.00 per month

  • 5 day program Mon through Fri $494.00 per month


As an incentive to our families, when tuition is paid by the 7th of the month, a discount will be deducted from the standard tuition rates listed above. If the 7th falls on a weekend or holiday, tuition is due the weekday prior.

DISCOUNTED TUITION RATES (2024-2025 School Year)

  • 2 day program Tues/Thursday $211.00 per month

  • 3 day program Mon/Wed/Fri $243.00 per month

  • 5 day program Mon through Fri $454.00 per month


  • Tuition payments received after the 7th will be the standard tuition rate.  In order to keep accounts in good standing, tuition must be received in our office NO LATER than the 15th of each month . Payments received AFTER the 15th will be assessed a $20 late fee.  Your child may also be dropped from enrollment.

  • A $125.00 Registration Fee is due at the time of enrollment. Early fall registration (during spring or summer) requires September tuition to be paid by August 7th. Both of these fees are non-refundable and apply to new and returning students.

  • We accept Cash or Checks for payment. Please make checks out to: First Presbyterian Preschool. Another option for payment is having your bank directly send us a check.  When you set this up with your bank, be sure to notify them to get the payment in by the 7th of the month, and to write your child’s first and last name on the memo section of your check.

  • Our preschool operates on a 9-month pay period. The yearly tuition charge is divided into 9 individual payments. Your monthly tuition is not equated with the number of school days children attend each month. Because tuition is an annual fee, no refunds are given for illness, vacations, or holidays, and those days are not made up.  Payments are made at the beginning of each month for the following month.  The payment in August covers September’s tuition.  The payment made in September covers October’s tuition, and so on.



Early Morning Care

is offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. If you need to bring your child to school before 9:00 a.m., he/she may be taken to the Early Care room (classroom #105). The cost for this Extended Care is $10.00 per hour or any part thereof. This fee MUST be paid to the Early Care teacher on the day your child attends.


Lunch Club

is offered every day from 11:35 to 12:30. The children bring their lunches from home. (Reminder – we are a NUT FREE school.) The cost for Lunch Club is $10.00 per day for the hour. This is to be paid to the Lunch Club teacher the day your child attends.  It CANNOT be billed to your account. You may place payment in your child’s lunch box, and a staff member will collect payments while helping your child open his/her lunch. Children may not stay longer than 12:30 p.m. unless they are enrolled in an afternoon session.


Extended Care “Ticket” Payment

If you would like to purchase tickets ahead of time to use for Early Morning Care or Lunch Club, you may do so by getting them from the Preschool Office, or the Extended Care teacher on duty. Each ticket is worth $10.00 and may be used as payment to the teacher in charge. Payment (in the form of cash, check or ticket) is expected each day a child attends Early Care or Lunch Club .


Late Pick Up Fees

Please be sure to drop off and pick up your children ON TIME.  It is very disruptive to the classroom and to children when they are dropped off or picked up late often.  Parents will be charged if they pick up their children late at the end of their session.

  • Our morning session ends at 11:30 a.m. (Parents will be charged $1.00 per minute beginning at 11:31 p.m.)

  • Our Lunch Club ends at exactly 12:30 p.m. (Parents will be charged $1.00 per minute beginning at 12:31 p.m.)

  • Our afternoon session ends at 3:00 p.m. (Parents will be charged $1.00 per minute beginning at 3:01 p.m.)



The First Presbyterian Preschool is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Upland.  We believe that within a Christian atmosphere early childhood should be a time of fun, security, exploring, and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive; the staff strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in the children who attend.


The preschool’s purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth and development of the child as a whole.


First Presbyterian Preschool, established in 1966, is licensed by the State of California’s Department of Social Services, and complies with all the standards put forth by that department. A volunteer Preschool Board and a paid director govern its operation. A fully qualified teacher teaches each class. Our classroom ratio is one (1) teacher and one (1) assistant to fifteen (15) students.


Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, or political belief. A child with special needs will be accepted if it is determined that the preschool is able to meet the individual needs of the child; and that there would be no adverse effect upon other children due to either the direct behavior of the child or to the requiring of staff time needed by other children.


Children must be at least 3 years old, and no older than 5 years to be enrolled.

Children must be fully potty trained, that includes not wearing pull-ups to school.

Separation of a child from a parent before the child is emotionally ready to adjust may be difficult. The chronological age is not the absolute criteria for admission. The staff will observe your child during her/his adjustment period at preschool and will evaluate the child’s readiness for a school experience. The best interest of the child will be kept in mind in determining admission.


Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, or political belief. A child with special needs will be accepted if it is determined that the preschool is able to meet the individual needs of the child; and that there would be no adverse effect upon other children due to either the direct behavior of the child or to the requiring of staff time needed by other children.


Children must be at least 3 years old, and no older than 5 years to be enrolled.

Children must be fully potty trained, that includes not wearing pull-ups to school.

Separation of a child from a parent before the child is emotionally ready to adjust may be difficult. The chronological age is not the absolute criteria for admission. The staff will observe your child during her/his adjustment period at preschool and will evaluate the child’s readiness for a school experience. The best interest of the child will be kept in mind in determining admission.


We strive to choose preschool curriculum that is fun, developmentally appropriate, academic, and stimulating to learning in all areas of development- physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. Because we believe that children learn by doing, we provide “hands-on” activities that lead to concrete experiences, discovery, creativity, and interaction. Our curriculum includes sharing and conversation time; stories, songs, and finger plays; creative arts activities and crafts; games and large muscle activities; food preparation; science and nature activities; readiness skills in reading, math, and writing; exposure to shapes, colors, numbers, and letters; and celebration of holidays.


Chapel is included in the curriculum weekly. It is led by our preschool director. It is simple, child-like and teaches about Jesus and His love for everybody. We are an interdenominational preschool. We do not teach doctrine.


We always welcome donations of the following items:  5 oz. cups, wippies, spoons/forks, paper towels, small plastic bowls, Lysol disinfectant wipes, small and large paper plates, boxes of Kleenex, clothes/shoes, newspapers, strawberry baskets, empty soup cans, jello or apple sauce containers, etc.


Each child is required by state regulations to have on file a physician’s report, which includes a record of up-to-date immunizations and the signature of the child’s source of medical care. If a child’s health care physical is not complete at the time of enrollment or within forty-five (45) days after enrollment, the child will be excluded from the program.


Children who arrive at preschool noticeably ill, with a rash or with a fever, will not be admitted for that day. Should a child become ill during the day, the parent will be notified immediately. For the protection of your child, as well as others, please keep your child home if he/she has symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, vomiting, nausea, headache, earache, ear discharge, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sore throat, skin rash, inflamed eyes, enlarged glands, or fever. Children should be well for 24 hours before returning to school.

Parents do not need to call the school office to report each absence. Please call the school if:

  • Your child contracts a contagious disease or parasite (Chicken Pox, Measles, Lice, etc.) We need to let other parents know.

  • Your child is hospitalized or seriously injured.

  • Your child has missed more than 2 school days in a row.


In the event our school children are exposed to a communicable disease, parents will be notified. The ill child will not be allowed to return to preschool until the contagious period has passed. In case of a minor medical emergency during a preschool session, the staff will administer first aid. The parent or authorized adult will be notified as quickly as possible. If a child’s parent or authorized adult cannot be reached and a doctor’s attention is necessary, the child will be taken to San Antonio Community Hospital unless parents have indicated otherwise in the enrollment packet.  911 will be called for any major medical emergency.



If it is absolutely necessary to take medication at school, we must follow our licensing guidelines:

  • The medication needs to be given to the director BEFORE the child starts school.

  • It must be kept in the original prescription bottle.  Please be sure to check the expiration date.

  • The doctor will also fill out a form that will include the following:

    • Specific indications (such as symptoms) for administering the medication, including the correct dosage, and the time to be given.

    • Potential side effects and expected response.

    • Steps to take in the case of a side effect or emergency.

    • Instructions for proper storage of the medication.

    • Dr.’s contact information and signature.

    • Parents’ contact information and signature.

Revisit our RESOURCES section for the necessary forms for Epi-Pens, Inhalers, and other medications                  

Pink Uniform Doctor


Giving positive verbal rewards encourages acceptable behavior. This reinforces a child’s good feeling about his/her behavior and serves as an example to the other children to act in such a way as to receive this praise. Asking a child to stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior enables that child to work at self control. If a child is not cooperating in a group listening situation, the child is seated by a teacher and reminded of acceptable behavior. Removal from the group for a period of time-out is the next tactic used for a child who continually demonstrates unacceptable behavior. This time-out in not a punishment, but rather a time when the child may calm down and think about the choices he/she is making. The child may rejoin the group within a few minutes with appropriate behavior.


Corporal punishment is not considered to be an acceptable method of dealing with young children’s behavior. Children will not be hit, slapped, or spanked in any manner while attending First Presbyterian Church Preschool. The preschool respectfully requests that all preschool families respect our policy of no corporal punishment while on church grounds.


If behavior problems persist, the child is brought to the director’s office. Parents may be notified when a discipline problem exists. We need to maintain close cooperation between parents and school to work out the problem. If at anytime we feel a child has a behavior problem so serious that we are not equipped to help, or, if we feel other students are being negatively affected, we will dismiss the child from enrollment.



Think of your child’s comfort – and provide simple clothing that is free of complicated fastenings. Think of the art materials and other hands on activities – and provide clothing that is washable. Think of our playground – and provide clothing that is sturdy. Also, provide shoes that are comfortable and safe. Cowboy boots and dress shoes often have slippery soles and are not recommended for preschool. All shoes must have a back so they do not easily come off. Close-toed shoes are the safest to wear, especially for outside activities. Think of the changeable autumn weather and dress your child accordingly. Provide sweaters and jackets even on the first sunny fall days. The children may not need them, but in case they do, they will have them. Be sure to label all outer garments including hats and umbrellas. Please label backpacks and lunch pails as well.



The school gate will remain closed until it is time for the school day to begin. When the gate is opened, the children are to be taken directly to their classrooms. An authorized adult is to sign each child in and out each day. A full signature is required, as is the time of drop off and pick up. Children will only be signed out and released to persons who have been authorized to pick up the child. This authorization is stated in each child’s records. These authorized persons must be able to show the preschool staff a driver’s license or other acceptable identification before the child will be released.


The courtyard will be attractively prepared for the children’s daily recess time. Please do not allow your preschool child or siblings to play on the equipment when you are bringing your children to school, or picking them up.



If a child needs to be withdrawn from preschool, two weeks notice is required so that another child can fill the vacancy. Should more notice be possible, it would be appreciated. Please give the notice, in writing, to the Director.



Emergency school closure will be at the discretion of the director and the Preschool Board when it is determined that the health, safety, and welfare of the children and staff is compromised due to unforeseen conditions such as:

Loss of power, heat, telephone use, inclement weather conditions or disaster.  In all cases, the Preschool Board will reserve the right to consider refunds.

In an effort to keep our tuition low, we have a sign-up sheet located in each classroom where the parents can sign up to bring snacks for their child’s class. We appreciate our parents’ help in providing snacks, and the children enjoy sharing what they have brought for their classmates. Our school provides milk to be served every day with snack. In order to keep our snacks safe for all the children to eat, and easy for the parents to bring, all the snack items are approved by our Preschool Board. If you have any questions, please discuss this with your child’s teacher or call the director.



We vary our regular snack menu to make celebrations like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. extra special. Sign-up sheets for these special days are provided in the classrooms.



Our school has students who are deathly allergic to nut products. Their allergies are so severe that it is expected that they would go into immediate life-threatening shock if they have any contact with these items. Our staff have been trained specifically on how to provide immediate life-saving first aid if this were to happen. One of the steps we have taken to protect these children is to make our campus a Nut Free School. No nut products are to be brought for snack, lunch, birthday or holiday times. Any items that are found to contain nut products will not be served at our school.  This includes products that have been processed in facilities that also process nut products.



Children’s birthdays are very important! Each month we have a designated “Birthday Celebration” day for all the children in each class who share a birthday that month. A sign-up sheet for parents who would like to contribute to the monthly celebration will be in each classroom. We love to sing the Happy Birthday song to our celebrating friends and they will be recognized in their classrooms with their classmates. Please do not send cupcakes, cakes, donuts or any other food items, goody bags, or balloons to school for individual birthday celebrations.

Invitations will only be passed out at school if all children in the class are invited. Remember to be sensitive to the feelings of all the children in the classroom (and their parents). If all children are not going to be invited, please take care of the invitations off of school grounds.



Children must be fully potty trained in order to attend preschool. We understand that young children are still developing their bathroom habits and they do have accidents periodically. We try to keep accidents at a minimum by taking all children to the bathroom after their outdoor playtime. We ask parents to please be sure their children use the bathroom before arriving at school. If a child becomes wet or has a bowel movement accident during their time at preschool, the child is immediately taken to the bathroom. The child is handed a baby wipe and encouraged to wipe the wet area. Dry clothes are handed to the child. From the point the soiled clothes are removed to the point the child is dressed, two adults are always present and ready to assist the child as necessary. If a child is uncomfortable with staff assistance, parents may be called to ask if they would like to come to the school to change their child or if they would mind if a staff member cleaned the child. All soiled clothes will be sent home with the child.

The school keeps a supply of dry clothes for the children to use in case of an accident. If your child comes home wearing our preschool clothes, please wash and return the items to the school office in a timely manner. We welcome donations of all sizes for our school’s dry clothes supply.



Voting Members:

  • Judy Alford

  • Lynn Barker

  • Ebie Fogle

  • Carol Griffin

  • Trevor McMullen

  • Pam Polchow

  • Joan Sullivan


Non Voting Member:

  • Misty Wren (Preschool Director)



  • Mrs. Merrill and Ms. Hove

  • Mrs. Nessel and Mrs. Esmeralda

  • Mrs. Assal and Miss Mitzy

  • Mrs. Corral and Mrs. Guerrero

  • Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Krewson

  • Miss Meganne 

  • Mrs. Struempf and Mrs. Soriano

  • Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Grubb

  • Mrs. Terry

  • Miss Kathy

  • Director – Misty Wren

  • Director's Assistant – Nadina Rearte

First presbyterian church of upland

Join us on Sundays at 10 am! 


(909) 982-8811


869 N Euclid Ave.

Upland, CA 91786

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